P-226Rectal Bioelectrical impedance (REBI) as a possible screening tool for colorectal cancer (CRC)

There are two main methods widely used for CRC screening: Fecal occult blood tests (FOBT) and total colonoscopy (TC). Although not very expensive, the former lacks of good sensitivity and specificity, whereas the latter is expensive and not very well accepted by the general public. We hypothesize that REBI could be a good candidate for CRC screening or prescreening purposes based on two main concepts: a) known evidence that intestinal mucosal permeability increases with CRC, which should decrease the electrical impedance of the mucosa, and b) the theory of field carcinogenesis, which states that there is a wide cell transformation affecting whole organs or systems before cancer appears, allowing to interrogate more accessible parts of organs or surrogate organs that mirror what is going on in organs prone to or already affected by carcinogenic alterations.

Información adicional

País:     Colombia


Año:     2016

ISSN:    1569-8041

Referencia:    C. Gonzalez-Correa, D. Miranda-Mercado, E. Mulett-Vasquez, M. Osorio-Chica and C. Dussan-Lubert. Ann Oncol (2016) 27 (suppl_2): ii66


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